
Saturday 19 May 2012

Why I Love My Family

So, this post is incredibly late (about a month or so), but I think it still needs to go up. Mostly because I just really want to brag about how great my family and friends are. 
Back in February, my dear sister Josie informed me that she had mailed me a reply letter. I was quite excited. There is definitely a thrill to be had in receiving mail from someone other than the bank or Boots. However, excitement began to wane a little when the letter never appeared. It actually became a cause for concern because Mom said she had included an emergency credit card in it. 

FINALLY, only a month and a half late, the postman delivered not just an envelope, but a whole PARCEL! Yes, a whole box stuffed full of goodies just for me from the people I love most. 
They love me. 
A badge of Canadian-ness.
I refuse to wear this until next winter.
It should not be as cold as it is.
So I don't forget her name. 
Or hers. 
They sent me money! :D
"Dear stakes"
Guess what was actually inside?
The Longest Picture in the World, a la Beezus and Ramona!
Courtesy of Kayla, Josie, and Lexi.
This was so much fun to unwrap.
It was rolled and folded into a wee package, and when I went to open it,
it just kept on going and going and going and going.
The boys were (still are, actually) a little miffed that Scotland doesn't have any mountains in it.
They just don't understand Canadian mountains... 
Ma vera oon moog.
Which I am currently drinking tea out of as I put this post together :]
Beautiful, raspberry-red Fuzzy Socks!
Which I am also currently wearing :]
Dearest Stephie, I know that you are responsible for these.
I am eternally grateful to you.
They were deliciously fiery and delightful!
I laughed and laughed over this one.
In a nutshell, I am to avoid Scottish men and anything with haggis in it. 
My wonderful, amazing, lovely collection of letters and notes.
I love them all.
But I have to admit that I have a favourite...
It made me chuckle for weeks afterwards.
It still makes me chuckle.
It accompanied a wee little package that contained a bagel crumb (yes, crumb) because a certain darling little sister thought I might miss bagels while I'm in Scotland.
Fortunately, I do have access to bagels should I ever miss them too strongly, but I shall treasure this particular crumb for a long, long time.
So, over all, I was a teary, laughing mess for the rest of the afternoon. 
Thank you everyone who was involved!
I love you all!


  1. I am impressed none of it got taken by the custom agents. We all know they took the tea leaves I sent you prior!
    It was soooooo fun putting this all together with the rest of the crew!

  2. bahahahahhaah! Sorry - that was me, (Steph)... I am to lazy to sign out of his gmail....

  3. Fantastic! Pretty jealous back here!
