
Tuesday 24 April 2012

Anstruther: Scottish Fisheries Museum AND Caroline's Exhibit

One Saturday, Caroline and I headed to Anstruther for an afternoon.
Caroline had an exhibit at the Scottish Fisheries Museum (Nautical Knots to Knitting Needles!) that I wanted to see.
The whole museum was really interesting, and Anstruther itself is quite pretty.

The Fisher Lass
There were model ships every where.
Creepy mannequin fishwives. 
Some of these models had incredible detail!
A bell-pull.
It has a crown, anchor, and a thistle, all made out of rope.
A funny little penquiny thing carved out of a whale tooth. 
These socks are AWESOME.
Note the super cool boat-cradle.

Inside the cottage of a fisher family.

This is Caroline :)
Walking on the pier, we saw a tower in the distance. Curious, we decided to go and investigate. 

This is the tower that piqued our curiosity.

This wall is covered with shells.
It must have taken them forever to make this.
The "Dreel Tabern"
Yes, with a  B.
The Isle of May.
Famous for its puffins.

Aand... There it is!
On a golf course. It's a war memorial.
We went on those swings for a while :]


  1. the exhibition made your blog!! yay =)

  2. Those are really cool pictures!(don't worry all of them are!)

    Your really good at taking pictures!!!
