
Thursday 5 July 2012

The Six Month Mark

Today, officially, I have been in Scotland for exactly six months. 
Six months and a  day ago, I said goodbye to my dear family in Vancouver Airport.
It felt a bit surreal then, but yes, I actually boarded a plane and flew over the great Atlantic Ocean to the United Kingdom.
I am now over halfway through my stay here. 
I say over halfway because I will be going home before Christmas (yay!!), not staying until January 5th, 2013. 
So I guess the actual halfway mark of my trip was a few days ago...
Well, I don't have anything more to say about this.
Just figured it might be a good idea to notice the milestone.

Oh, and happy half-birthday, Josie!

1 comment:

  1. No "I'll be home for Christmas, but only in my dreams" for you!
