
Tuesday 12 June 2012


Well, okay, not all of these are wildflowers. 
And no, this isn't the most interesting post, but I've been taking so many pictures of flowers lately that I thought I'd share some of them. 
Perhaps it's because I've been visiting so many places with spectacular gardens lately. 
Or maybe I've just been inspired by a particularly talented photographer aunt of mine.
I don't have nearly as nice pictures as she does, nor do I write beautiful things to go with them. 
I guess I just like flowers. 

These are all from Balmullo.

I love that this shrub with orange flowers was planted  next to such an intensely blue door!

Urm, no, they're not flowers at all.
But they're so cute! :3

Not a flower.
But it's a plant.
And it's kind of cool looking, I think. 

1 comment:

  1. Those flowers are so cool!I've never thought flowers could be so gorgeous!
    That cool plant you took a picture of was amazing!I hope I can go to scotland and see all those pretty flowers!(I hope you like them to!)
    Genieva H.
